Become a Member of Our Point Pleasant, NJ Car Museum

Become a Member of Our Point Pleasant, NJ Car Museum

Our museum membership comes with extra perks

The Vintage Automobile Museum of New Jersey is free for everyone. However, if you want some added perks, consider our museum membership. It benefits our Point Pleasant, New Jersey museum and gives you access to exclusive events throughout the year. Plus, as a member, you can participate in car shows as a judge or prize coordinator.

Call us today for more information about our museum membership.

3 perks of having a museum membership

You don't have to be a member to explore our museum and attend our events. However, our museum membership has awesome benefits. When you sign up for a museum membership, you'll get...

  1. Free access to our car shows and events.
  2. Entry to exclusive members-only events.
  3. Volunteer opportunities at the museum.
  4. Monthly meeting with refreshments
  5. Discounts to senior citizens

Ready to take advantage of all the perks our museum membership has to offer? Sign up today by filling out this form.